Notice to patients 3 23 2020


Dear Patients,

On Sunday, March 22, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott signed an Executive Order directing all licensed health care professionals, including dentists, to postpone until after April 21, 2020 all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately, medically necessary to correct a serious medical condition or to preserve the life of a patient who, without immediate performance of the surgery or procedure, would be at risk for serious adverse medical consequences or death, as determined by the patient’s physician.  

In order to comply with this order, effective immediately, Active Life Dentistry will be rescheduling all patient appointments that do not meet the stringent criteria described in the Governor’s Order.  Our offices will remain open to treat emergencies and urgent issues as they arise and to answer calls from patients. Our front desk will currently be open from 8 am to 3 pm, Monday through Thursday, for calls.  That schedule is subject to change as the situation progresses, so please check our website for the most recent information.

If you are currently scheduled for treatment, we will be in contact with you over the coming days to discuss your health status and possibly reschedule your appointment in accordance with the Governor’s Order.  Again, we will continue to see all patients needing emergency or immediate care. If you are in pain, have bleeding or swelling, have a crown come off or have other dental trauma, please call our office to discuss your situation.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you have a dental emergency or need immediate care during this period, please call our office at 281.970.4000 to schedule. 

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this time,

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